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In response to the increasing unemployment levels and decreasing recruitment opportunities for qualified professionals in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs has taken a proactive stance to allow private recruitment companies to dispatch and hire Afghan workers for labor in countries with a demand for workers. This decision has proved to be a game-changer for the private sector, and Since 2007, private recruitment companies in Afghanistan gained experience to provide better services to professionals. As a result, the Association of Private Recruitment Companies in Afghanistan (APRCA) was formed in 2010. The Association participated in a regional conference held on 02.03.2014 in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, and received conference membership, which was highly appreciated by the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs, and Labor International organizations. The establishment of the APRCA has benefited both the private sector and the Afghan workers, and the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs and Labor international organizations commended its efforts.


1. The understanding of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs with several countries regarding the dispatch of workers 2. The existence of professional and technical persons in the country 3. The gathering of dozens of companies under one roof to send workers abroad. 4. International community commitment to fight against unemployment

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- Short time plans • Capacity building of workers in various professional and technical sectors • Providing a work environment for the workforce • Building the trust of institutions regarding the creation of professional and technical courses • increasing the role of workers in the country's economy and income • Attracting the attention of countries in need of labor, government officials, and foreign institutions to create jobs for job seekers. - Medium-term plans • Sending workers abroad • Employment of workers inside the country • Preventing illegal migration of Afghans abroad • Preventing addiction in young people - long-term plans • Sending domestic workers to applicant countries to achieve a better economy • Creating different jobs at the provincial level • Creating educational professions at the provincial level • Raising the abilities, and professionalizing the workers in the provinces • Encouraging internally displaced people to return to their original residence • Development of urban programs at the village level


1. Sending and hiring workers abroad and inside the country 2. Improving the capacity of workers in the country 3. Creating different jobs inside the country 4. Defending the legitimate rights of workers and employers inside and outside the country

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